
What is a Chakra?

 In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means "disk" or “wheel” and refers to the energy center's in your body. There are seven Chakras in the body. In a healthy person, the chakras work in unison to create life force energy. The body, mind, and spirit benefit from balanced chakras. 

Which Chakra does what?

Chakra's can affect how we feel on a daily basis. When a Chakra becomes blocked, this unbalances us and causes us to feel out of sorts or even experience the reverse effects a chakra has. For example, if the throat chakra is blocked this can cause us to mis-pronounce words, not speak up for ourselves or even cause us to feel the effects of a sore throat. Through meditation and the use of crystals you can learn to cleanse your Chakras and begin to learn to notice when they are becoming "blocked". 

Each Chakra has a crystal associated with it, however there are more which will be added....