Crystal Info

What are crystals used for?


Crystals have many different uses, by holding or wearing them is believed to promote emotional, physical and spiritual healing. Crystals have been used for thousands of years with historical references dating back to the ancient Sumerian's 4th Millennium BC! Crystals are also used for healing in traditional Chinese healing which can be dated back to approx 5,000 years ago. In the present day people wear crystals and use them for healing, meditation and grounding.

Different crystals have different uses, some are used for healing, relieving stress, helping with concentration, creativity and deflecting negative energy. The crystal works by interacting with your body's energy field or Chakra. Once attuned to yourself you shouldn't let anyone else use or wear your crystals.


How do I choose my crystal?

Whether you buy your crystals online or in store it's important to know which crystal you need for what. Here at Enlightened Spirit we have put together a list of crystals and their uses. If there's a crystal you do not see on the list, please feel free to email us. Our crystal list will be updated regularly.


Cleansing a crystal is important to remove any left over or negative energies from people that may have picked it up. There are different methods that people use to cleanse them. Please check before you wash certain crystals as too much exposure to water can damage them.


Washing - Simply wash your crystal under a cold tap. Imagine all of the negative energies on it washing away down the drain. Afterwards leave your crystals to airdry either on a rack or drainer.

Burying - Burying a crystal in the garden for 24 hours can cleanse and recharge your crystal. Dig a small hole and place the crystals in, remember to leave a plant pot or stone on top so you remember where you put them!

Sage / Incense - Sage sticks are a great way to cleanse crystals. Once the sage stick starts smoking, allow the crystal to pass through the smoke to cleanse it. The same method can be done with incense sticks. - Remember your sage stick can also cleanse your home of any negativity.

Rain - Place your crystals outside in the rain to cleanse them with rain water. Please make sure your crystal is water safe.

How do I Charge my crystal?


Sunlight - Please your crystals on a windowsill or outside in the sunlight to charge them.

Moonlight - As with sunlight you can charge your crystals by moonlight.

Burying - Burying Crystals will recharge them from the earth. After all the earths energy is pure and will take any negative vibes from your crystals and replace them with positive energy.



    The 'Fire stone', called so because it builds a fire in the lions, bringing a sense of courage and fortitude, helping you to discover truth and accept fate while strengthening the body and the mind. Earthing and energetic, it is a powerful healing stone assisting the colon, circulatory system lymphatics, pancreas and the pulses.


    This 'Love Child' is one of the Beryl family. In helping to rebuild the mind, body and spirit, from most modern trauma. It has a very passive effect on the nervous system, spleen and pancreas. It Helps to bring emotional and mental aspects into balance, imbued with the potential of growth, joy and the love of life.


    The 'Thinker'. This feldspar mineral soothes the nervous system, while giving strength to the heart and body, balancing the mental and auric body. Makes you feel good, uplifted, creative and gives perspective to your more harmful traits and helps you to let go of them.


    The 'Mindful One', so called because it not only remembers the past centuries but also helps with simple absent-mindedness. This is the fossilised resin of ancient trees. Has a good influence on the endocrine system, spleen and heart. Helps you find the kindness within you and helps the mind to find its soul.


    The 'Elevator'. Strengthens the endocrinal and immune systems while having a good effect on theright brain activity, pineal, pituitary glands and an exceptional blood cleanser and energiser. Very powerful aid to spiritual enhancement by bringing the lower natures to a higher consciousness. It cuts through illusion and is a helpful friend for mediators, inspiring healing, divine love, inspiration and intuition.


    The 'Serene One', it helps to calm the nerves and reduces fluid retention. Good for strengthening kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid and cleaning the body Gives clarity of mind, aiding personal creativity, thus losing fears and phobias. A great physical, mental and emotional balancer, it is a good friend in meditation, inspiring love, peace and serenity.